Stoddard: Clouds loom for Clinton
Things could be worse for Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy, perhaps an indictment pending in her email scandal, but these are still awful days in her campaign. While there are many threats to...
View ArticleStoddard: Clinton supporters tripping over email spin
Anyone seen Democrats trying to explain away the State Department report on Hillary Clinton’s emails? As Donald Trump would say: Sad!In the wake of the release last week of the State Department’s...
View ArticleStoddard: Trump, Clinton getting ready for change
You may not be able to recall the last time the presumptive nominee of either party spoke of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, Iranian aggression or the dangerous ambitions of Russian President...
View ArticleStoddard: Obama doesn’t get it — but Trump doesn’t either
Donald Trump is right. President Obama has directed more anger toward him than toward Omar Mateen, the savage killer who took 49 lives and ruined far more Sunday in Orlando in the largest terrorist...
View ArticleStoddard: The great Trump rebellion
A reined-in Donald Trump delivered a focused and forward-looking address via teleprompter Wednesday that lacerated Hillary Clinton and gave Republicans hope the presumptive GOP presidential nominee has...
View ArticleStoddard: Hillary still hurt by FBI
The director of the FBI on Tuesday rendered Hillary Clinton, who is vying to become commander in chief, unfit to work the cash register at Subway.In judgment and conduct, though she was spared...
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